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We are here to help

We offer help to teens and adolescents experiencing mental health concerns in their everyday lives to develop coping mechanisms to help them deal with their problems.

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Understanding Your Teen

Are you trying to understand what is going on with your teen? Does the constant mood changes of your teen leave you feeling confused and concerned? We know that communicating with your teen is not easy. We can help your teen overcome symptoms of anxiety and depression of which is causing the disconnect.

Common Concerns

Family Dynamics • Depression • Anger • Academic Struggles • Anxiety • Self-Esteem • Trauma • LGBTQ Concerns • Self-Injurious Behaviors

Reasons for Seeking Therapy

At this stage of development, teens struggle with some internal battles. For instance, recognizing their unique identity; transitioning from childhood while taking on more and more aspects of adulthood, developing independence while maintaining healthy family bonds. These transitions can lead to anxiety and depression.

Our goal is to provide a safe space to learn to communicate effectively and improve relationships with others and themselves. As a result, anxiety symptoms will decrease.

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Join Our Teen Groups!

Think of group therapy as a forum for teens to practice their social skills and work through social obstacles. In groups, they have the opportunity to voice their opinions, work on their ability to listen, and engage in conversation with their peers. In addition, teens can test out the interpersonal skills that they learn from the therapist without the fear of being judged. As a result, they can boost their social confidence, as well as their communication skills.

Groups offer a sense of community and support. It’s an excellent way to support individual counseling goals. Groups allow teens to see they are not alone with their feelings and thoughts. Check out our groups for teens on our group page. Groups therapy has proven to be effective for adolescents. Click here to learn more about this topic in Psychology Today.

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Take the first
step towards your
journey of healing

We are here to help and guide you along that journey. Feel free to schedule an appointment with us today. And if you would like just information about our services or have general mental health questions, please feel free to contact us by scanning or clicking the QR code below. Hope to hear from you soon!